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The Ad Hoc Tick Borne Disease Action Committee held a meeting on Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at the C.H. Booth Library, Main Street, Newtown, CT

Attendance Present:  Mark Alexander, Kirk Blanchard, Pat Boily, Neil Chaudhary, David Delia, Robert Grossman, Kim Harrison, Peter Licht, Michele McLeod, Mary Gaudet-Wilson, Maggie Shaw, and George Miller.  Also Present:  David Shugarts, Kendra Bobowick from The Newtown Bee, and six members of the public.

Dr. Grossman called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.

Approval of Minutes Dr. Grossman motioned to approve the minutes of November 18, 2009. The minutes were amended.  Motion to approve the minutes as amended was approved unanimously.

Speaker Donna Culbert, Director of Health District – Dr. Grossman introduced Donna Culbert, the Director of Health for the Newtown Health District.  Ms. Culbert provided an overview of the role of the Health District and discussed ways in which the office disseminates tick borne disease information into the community.  She discussed reports they receive and the changes in reporting requirements.  She confirmed that cases of tick borne diseases have increased and stressed the importance of educating the public on the subject.  She welcomed any suggestions of getting the word out to the community.  


Interim Committee Report – Dr. McLeod motioned to postpone the discussion of her report.  Mr. Blanchard seconded the motion.  It was further expressed that the information she gathered can be interfaced in with the final report.

Mr. Chaudhary to report on his statistical evaluation of DVA’s – This item was tabled.  

Remaining research, speakers and data gathering – Rob Sibley is scheduled to speak on 01/06/10.  Dr. DiNocola of White Buffalo is tentatively set to speak on the 01/20/10 meeting.  Dr. Jerry Green will be scheduled at a later date.  Tom Belote is tentatively scheduled for 01/13/10.  Dr. Matt Pound will be scheduled at a later date as well.

Meeting Schedule for 2010 – The meeting schedule was approved through to the end of March

Public Comment – Mary Beth Olah was present to discuss how Lymes and other Tick Borne Diseases have affected her family.  

Final Comments – The committee discussed information that could be discussed in the future i.e., vaccines, tick repellant devices and biological agents.  The members discussed various views on how to handle the decrease in tick borne diseases.

Executive Session - none

Mr. Alexander motioned to adjourn at 9:38 pm, Mr. Chaudhary seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by:
Tammy Hazen, Clerk